(202) 363-0300

Phone Services

Our office has a number of dedicated phone lines to meet your specific needs:

Appointment Line (202) 363-0302

Please call to schedule routine physicals, follow-up visits, and consultations Monday to Friday from 9am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 4:30pm. All visits are made by appointment only. No walk-in services available.

Nurses’ Line (202) 363-0300

Our experienced nurses are available to answer questions. They assist in managing illnesses that do not require an office visit and will make a sick appointment if your child needs to be seen. The nurses will also refill prescriptions and leave messages for the doctor in case you need to discuss your child’s problem in more depth. The nurses’ line is open from 9am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm Monday to Friday. On Saturday morning, the nurses’ line is open from 8:30am to 12pm.

Billing Office (202) 363-6150

Members of our business staff are available to answer billing and insurance questions Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and 1:30pm to 3:30pm.

Fax Number (202) 363-7251

After Hours Care

There is always a doctor on call when the office is closed. You can reach the doctor by calling the office and following the prompt that will redirect your call to our answering service. 

If your child has a life-threatening emergency, call 911 right away. Once you have contacted 911, call the answering service to let the doctor on-call know what’s happening to your child.

If your emergency is less severe, you should get in touch with the doctor on-call. If you need to speak with the doctor right away, tell the answering service it’s an emergency, and you should hear from the doctor promptly. If your child’s problem is less urgent, you should hear from the doctor within the hour. If you do not hear back within this time frame, call the service back and have the doctor paged again.

Most problems that occur at night can be managed over the phone. In some cases, your child may need to be seen at an emergency room or an after hours clinic. Unless the emergency is life threatening, we prefer to talk with you to recommend the most appropriate facility to see your child.

Looking for office hours and location?
Office hours, a map of the office, and transportation information can be found on the Location and Hours page.
Office Info


Location & Hours

> Phone Services

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